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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Files must be in compliance with ODT or TEX templates.

Author Guidelines

Languages: English or Italian.
Working paper format:
A) Title: English or English and Italian (when paper is written in Italian);
B) Abstract (no more than 200 words): English and Italian (whatever is the pa­per language);
C) Keywords (3 – 6 each language) English and Italian (whatever is the paper language);
C1) JEL codes;
D) Table of contents/Sommario: English and Italian, (whatever is the paper language);
E) Bibliography/Bibliografia, as below letter l);
F) Long abstract (10% of paper words): in Italian when WP is written in English or in English when WP is written in Italian;
G) Text must have footnotes;
H) Annexes at the bottom of paper;
I) Acknowledges: in footnote with special character (* + ° etc. ).
L) Bibliography format
L1) books:
Hawawini, G., Swary, I., 1990. Mergers and Acquisitions in the U.S Banking In­dustry: Evidence from the Capital Markets. North-Holland, Amsterdam.
L2) chapters in book:
Brunner, K., Meltzer, A.H., 1990. Money supply. In: Friedman, B.M., Hahn, F.H. (Eds.), Handbook of Monetary Economics, Vol. 1. North-Holland, Amsterdam.
L3) journals:
Griffiths, W., Judge, G., 1992. Testing and estimating location vectors: The error covariance matrix is unknown. Journal of Econometrics 54, 121-138. Note upper case after colon. Smith, J., Klein, L., 2006. Testing for market efficiency. Working paper, Baruch College.
L4) forthcoming papers, papers in press:
Griffiths, W., Judge, G., 2010. Testing location vectors: The error covariance mat­rix is unknown. Journal of Banking and Finance, forthcoming. Note upper case after colon.
Editing: file must be produced by using the templates (.tex or .ott) provided by edit­orial board; – exclusively!
Furthermore, author is requested to submit its paper via platform.