The Marsala Wine Consortium. A business economic analysis of its history. Evolution, decline and possible future scenarios

  • sebastiano torcivia University of Palermo
Keywords: marsala's wine consortium, wine, marsala


Before this last date, the creation of an enopoly was attempted, to be entrusted a mandatory consortium among the poroducers of the sector.

For almost 50 years the Consortium has been a point of referEnce for producers, by actively contributing to the qualitative development of the image of marsala

The activities, in particular, of the Consortium are:

  1. Defense of identity of marsala;

  2. Promotion of marsala worlwide

  3. Compliance with legal requirements in production

  4. Dialogue with manufacturing companies on princig policies and quality improvement

However, in 2016, after so much glorious history., the Marsala Consortium no longer appears in the official ministerial list of consortia of italian wines doc

This will result in the impossibility of accessing Communityfunds for promotion and the loss of counterfeiting protection actions, well present in some countries.

The main reasons for this, illustrated in the work, can be traced to the drastic reduction of the adherents, to the contrasts that have arisen between the major producers, including the Florio (today Duca di Salaparuta spa)

Production today has dropped sharply, individual choices prevail, there are no clears goals, conflicts remain between major processors, no producers and little producers.

The productions, within the various types of Marsala, tiday it is quantitatively relegated, only on the “fine”, that beyond the name, it is the least valuable product and is often utilised, as a cooking ingredient.

The work tries to investigate, lastly, what future strategies , can be undertaken to ensure that the Marsala is bought back within the consortium, his starring role.

In particular, we will have toi focus on:

  1. Territory

  2. Grape variety

  3. Vineyard system;

  4. Winemaking techniques

  5. Marketing policies

In this way, the Marsala will find identity again, that personality which must remain niche, for a generalised consumption, well placed, at different times of the day and meal

